Innovations Spring 2021 | Page 10

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Innovations is a community publication of the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center , produced with support from the Friends of the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center . If you have comments or suggestions , please call 808-586-3010 or visit www . uhcancercenter . org .
Randall F . Holcombe , MD , MBA , Director University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center
Monica McLaren , President Friends of the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center
Sharon Shigemasa , RN , MS – Editor Paula Higuchi , MSW – Sub-Editor Jena Funakoshi , GA – Contributing Writer Katelyn Mahelona , GA – Contributing Writer Laura Young , GA – Contributing Writer University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center
An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution
Patient Advocacy Committee : A Voice for Cancer Patients and Caregivers

The goal of the UH Cancer Center ’ s Patient Advocacy Committee ( PAC ) is to empower cancer patients with knowledge and understanding of clinical trials . PAC members provide feedback from a patient and caregiver perspective to the Community Research Advisory Board , comprised of oncology physicians , nurses , pharmacists , clinical research assistants , and other health care professionals . They identify language that could be confusing or intimidating to a patient , such as acronyms and medical terminology . Based on PAC recommendations , consent forms may be updated or information may be relayed to the UH Cancer Center ’ s Clinical Trials Office staff so they can be mindful of the issues when explaining a trial to a patient and caregiver .

Lynda Asato
Joanne Hayashi
it comes to deciding what kinds of trials are being conducted in Hawai ‘ i and how that information is communicated to the patient community .”
Lynda Asato experienced a third bout of breast cancer in 2017 , and her oncologist recommended she participate in a clinical trial through the UH Cancer Center . Asato joined the PAC in 2019 , and states , “. . . I look at factors like costs — financial and time spent — and other hardships like lack of accessibility or language barriers .”
At age 33 , Joanne Hayashi was diagnosed with breast cancer . When she learned about the PAC , she wanted to become more involved in supporting the UH Cancer Center ’ s work . She became a PAC member because . . . it is important for cancer patients and caregivers to have a seat at the table when 8
During the pandemic , both PAC members remained actively involved in the clinical trial and consent review process . Asato and Hayashi would like to see more members join the PAC to diversify its representation , by recruiting individuals from different racial , ethnic , and gender backgrounds , who have differing experiences with cancer . Their hope is to increase clinical trial participation of Hawai ‘ i ’ s unique population and improve outcomes for cancer patients .
To learn about becoming a PAC member , call the Clinical Trials Office at ( 808 ) 564-3970 or email CTOadmin @ cc . hawaii . edu .