Innovations Spring 2019 | Page 8

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Innovations is a community publication of the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center , produced with support from the Friends of the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center . If you have comments or suggestions , please call 808-586-3010 or visit www . uhcancercenter . org .
Randall F . Holcombe , MD , MBA , Director University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center
Sue Syvester Palumbo , DVM , President Friends of the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center
Sharon Shigemasa , RN , MS – Editor Events and Information Coordinator University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center
An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution
A seminar to help shape cancer survivorship care on Kaua ‘ i

Journey Together : Helping to Shape Cancer Survivorship

Care in Hawai ‘ i was held in February at the Hilton Garden
and providers to discuss the challenges and opportunities to improve care for cancer survivors on the garden island .
Inn Wailua Bay on Kaua ‘ i . The Hawai ‘ i Comprehensive
UH Cancer Center researcher , Erin Bantum , PhD , presented ,
Cancer Coalition event convened survivors , caregivers ,
Improving Wellbeing for Cancer Survivors ”.
Erin Bantum , PhD , UH Cancer Center researcher , facilitates a discussion among cancer survivors , caregivers , and providers at the Journey Together event .