Liver cancer is the seventh most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer deaths globally . To improve outcomes of this disease , UH Cancer Center researcher , Brenda Hernandez , PhD , MPH , is conducting a study examining the possible role of cyanobacteria and the toxins they produce in causing liver damage and liver cancer .
Brenda Hernandez ,
Cyanobacteria or blue-green “ algae ” are the most common bacteria found naturally in oceans , lakes , rivers , ponds , and other surface waters and in land areas such as forests , tundra , grasslands , and deserts . They include multiple bacterial species that produce toxins that can promote tumor growth in the liver . Humans may be exposed to cyanotoxins through drinking , eating , inhaling , or skin contact with contaminated water or food sources , such as fish and shellfish .
Hawai ‘ i and Guam have among the highest incidence of liver cancers in the U . S . and U . S . territories , with Native Hawaiian and CHamoru men having the highest risk . This study will be conducted in Hawai ‘ i and Guam over a three-year period and will enroll a total of 400 adult male and female participants . University of Guam ( UOG ) researchers Laura Biggs , PhD and Yvette Paulino , PhD , are collaborators as part of the Pacific Island Partnership for Cancer Health Equity .
To learn more : Phone : ( 808 ) 564-5826 or Email : liverhealth @ cc . hawaii . edu .
Study participant undergoing fibroscan of her liver .
Quest for a Cure goes virtual as Starlight Lecture Series
& Cancer ”, “ Brain Cancer ”, “ Cancer & Diabetes ”, and “ Pancreatic Cancer ”, presented by speakers from the UH Cancer Center and clinician partners from the oncology community .
The inaugural Starlight Lecture Series were well attended . Popularity of the event grew with multiple requests to continue the series . Therefore , the UH Cancer Center is in the process of planning for future sessions . Please check the Cancer Center ’ s website for upcoming events .
If you missed any of the past lectures , please visit the Cancer Center ’ s website at uhcancercenter . org / quest to view the recordings . If you would like to be added to the Center ’ s mailing list , please send an email to Quest @ cc . hawaii . edu to receive future invitations .
Speakers for Quest event on “ Cancer and Diabetes ” via Zoom webinar : Host / Moderator , Dr . Joe Ramos , top right , and speakers Dr . Gertraud Maskarinec , bottom , and Dr . Loic Le Marchand , top left .