In August we gathered virtually to commemorate the 50th
Anniversary of the UH Cancer Center as COVID-19 began a new surge here in the islands . The juxtaposition of the new healthcare challenges brought by COVID-19 with the longstanding ones associated with cancer sharpened and informed this moment of reflection . Many of us have spent the pandemic thinking hard about what brings meaning to our lives , our ‘ ohana and the joys of being together through our shared challenges . On this backdrop we spent a few hours on a Saturday morning celebrating the work of all our faculty and staff at the Cancer Center . We were honored by the kind words and presence of many who have contributed and supported the Cancer Center over the years . I had the humbling honor of reviewing 50 years of groundbreaking research at the Cancer Center in only 10 minutes . I was only able to hit the highlights — and I still went over time !
In the last few months , we also said goodbye to Dr . Randall Holcombe , who in his five years as Director had a huge impact on the UH Cancer Center and on expanding and improving our clinical research capabilities . He will be sorely missed . It is my honor to serve as Interim Director as the search for a permanent Director proceeds . Our work continues at full speed . One hallmark initiative is the development of an Early Phase Clinical Research Center to provide access to these specialized trials for patients in Hawai ‘ i who have failed or progressed on standard treatments or prior clinical trials . We will break ground at the end of the year . This will be a first for our Hawai ‘ i cancer patients who currently must travel to the mainland for these trials . I look forward to the coming years of exciting new discoveries as the Cancer Center continues its work to end cancer as we know it in Hawai ‘ i and the Pacific .
On behalf of all our faculty and staff , mahalo for your support and for continuing to be part of our UH Cancer Center ‘ ohana .
Mahalo ,
Joe W . Ramos , PhD Interim Director
Clinical Trials Office welcomes Jonathan Cho , MD , new Medical Director
In April , Jonathan Cho , MD , joined the UH Cancer Center as the new Medical Director of the Clinical Trials Office ( CTO ), responsible for administration of clinical trials . Dr . Cho has been a faculty member of the UH Cancer Center since 1991 , and
Jonathan Cho , MD has been a community medical oncologist / hematologist , treating cancer and blood disorders for nearly 30 years at Hawai ‘ i Cancer Care .
As a leading oncologist and a strong advocate for clinical trials , Dr . Cho enrolled many patients on UH Cancer Center trials . In fact , he led the UH Cancer Center CTO from 2011 to 2014 . In addition to overseeing the CTO , Dr . Cho is charged with exploring ways to increase enrollment onto clinical trials to meet the UH Cancer Center ’ s challenge of the 20BY25 campaign to increase enrollment of newly diagnosed and relapsed cancer patients onto clinical trials by 20 % by the year 2025 .
“ I believe that my past experience makes me a good fit for the role ,” said Dr . Cho . “ The Medical Director will need to work with our community cancer care providers , and I am hopeful that my having been part of this community will facilitate this relationship .”
Quest for a Cure goes virtual as Starlight Lecture Series
The Quest for a Cure had previously been an annual event hosted by the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center , as part of its mission to educate the public about cancer research , treatment , and prevention . It is an event for anyone whose life has been touched by cancer and wants to learn more about the disease .
When the COVID pandemic hit , the Quest for a Cure event pivoted to a virtual format and became the Quest Starlight Lecture Series , with evening sessions held on the last Thursday of the month from April through July . Topics included : “ Diet , Body Composition