Creating a Cancer Clinical Trials Network that is Right for Hawai ‘ i
Patients enrolled on a cancer clinical trial receive the highest quality of care . In the United States , over 80 percent of cancer patients are treated in the community , but over 80 percent of clinical trials participation occurs at academic centers . Why ? Many academic centers are only marginally engaged with their local community . Therefore , it ’ s easier to conduct and provide oversight of clinical trials in a single , academic center , where the physicians are most committed to advancing cancer care through clinical research practice primarily in these centers .
But that ’ s not the situation in Hawai ‘ i . The University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center has established a clinical trials network that brings the trials directly to the community , where cancer patients are getting their treatment . This network involves nearly 100 oncology providers , multiple health systems and hospitals and over a dozen private practice locations .
A major component of trials offered through this network arise from the Hawai ‘ i Minority / Underserved National Community Oncology Research Program ( NCORP ). This program is supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) that was just renewed , providing $ 8 million over six years to benefit cancer patients in Hawai ‘ i . In addition to these NCI trials , the UH Cancer Center provides access to FDA-approved pharmaceutical trials and numerous investigator-initiated trials developed by UH Cancer Center faculty . This latter group of trials is particularly focused on the cancer problems that affect Hawai ‘ i ’ s ethnically diverse population .
The renewal of the NCORP grant , and before that the Cancer Center Support Grant , were facilitated to a great degree by the exceptional efforts to enroll patients from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds . Across the U . S ., over 90 percent of cancer clinical trial participants are white . Through the UH Cancer Center clinical trials network , over 75 percent are non-white . It is essential to enroll patients from diverse backgrounds to trials in order to know whether a particular new drug or treatment program will work for them . This is a great contribution to the fight against cancer that our patients and providers , our entire ‘ ohana , deliver .
The UH Cancer Center clinical trials network is a community-facing and community-engaged endeavor contributing to the mission to reduce the burden of care for the people of Hawai ‘ i .
Aloha ,
Randall F . Holcombe , MD , MBA Director
NCI core grant expanded in money and extended in time
The UH Cancer Center currently holds one of only 71 Cancer Center designations awarded by the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ). Cancer centers continue to achieve scientific excellence by integrating a wide variety of research approaches to study cancer . The NCI has extended the designation of the UH Cancer Center from July 2020 until July 2022 and has also increased funding from $ 5.7 million to $ 8.4 million .
The funding allows UH Cancer Center researchers to continue conducting studies that seek to reduce the burden of cancer in Hawai ‘ i and the Pacific . Besides supporting population studies and laboratory research , the funding also helps the Cancer Center provide the opportunity for many of Hawai ‘ i ’ s cancer patients to participate in clinical trials . In 2018 , more than 3,500 people in the state enrolled in clinical research studies administered by the UH Cancer Center .
Since 1996 , the UH Cancer Center has held this NCI designation that has provided many opportunities to continue our mission .
New faculty member looks forward to exciting research opportunities
Lang Wu , PhD , assistant professor , joined the UH Cancer Center in April 2019 . Wu ’ s research involves the epidemiological investigation of genetic , molecular , nutritional and lifestyle factors in cancer causation and prognosis . His long-term research goal is to translate the gained knowledge for prevention , risk assessment , early detection and prognosis prediction of human malignancies , especially for prostate and pancreatic cancers .
Lang Wu , PhD
Wu ’ s research began in basic science , and the influence of an inspirational mentor sparked a passion in him for population science and epidemiology . Before arriving at the UH Cancer Center , Wu ’ s research journey led him to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee and Mayo Clinic in Minnesota .
Wu is excited to be here with his family , “ Working at the UH Cancer Center allows me access to wonderful resources , such as the Multiethnic Cohort ( MEC ) Study , and presents the opportunity to work with diverse understudied populations .”