University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center
The University of Hawai ‘ i ( UH ) Cancer Center is one of 71 Na�onal Cancer Ins�tute ( NCI ) - designated Cancer Centers in the United States and the only center in Hawai ‘ i and the Pacific . The UH Cancer Center ’ s mission is to reduce the burden of cancer through research , educa�on , pa�ent care and community outreach with an emphasis on the unique ethnic , cultural , and environmental characteris�cs of Hawai ‘ i and the Pacific . The UH Cancer Center is a research organiza�on within the University of Hawai ‘ i at Mānoa with facili�es located in downtown Honolulu . Our world-class facility was completed in early 2013 . The UH Cancer Center directly employs 300 faculty and staff , with another 200 affiliate members through the UH-led Hawai ‘ i Cancer Consor�um .
Hawai ‘ i Tumor Registry
The Hawai ‘ i Tumor Registry ( HTR ) was established in 1960 by the Hawai ‘ i Medical Associa�on , the Hawai ‘ i State Department of Health , and the Hawai ‘ i Pacific Division of the American Cancer Society . The HTR has been operated by the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center since 1973 when it became a funded registry of the Na�onal Cancer Ins�tute Surveillance , Epidemiology and End Results ( SEER ) Program . As one of the 22 NCI / SEER regions na�onwide , the HTR provides complete and confiden�al cancer repor�ng for the en�re state and serves as a resource for cancer research and cancer control ac�vi�es in Hawai ‘ i and the US . Its data is used for local , na�onal , and interna�onal research efforts .
Suggested Cita�on : Cancer at a Glance 2014-2018 , Hawai ‘ i Tumor Registry , 2022