Annual Report 2023 | Page 12

IMPROVING health outcomes


In 2023 , Alan Spangenberg was inspired by his daughter to join a research study , hoping it would help him be a healthy grandfather for years to come . The Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Study II taught Alan how to reduce his portion sizes and provided simple exercises to follow . Having completed the study in August , Alan is pleased with the results of losing over 35 pounds and reducing his chronic knee pain . Moreover , increased energy enables him to play with his grandson and walk a round of golf . He continues to follow the diet and exercise plan . Alan feels good about his study outcomes and recommends joining this clinical trial to lose weight and get in shape .

This study explores whether changes in dietary habits along with a regular physical activity plan can affect the amount of fat stored in the abdomen and the rest of the body with the hope of reducing overall disease risk . This follow-up study to the Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Study has been expanded to 24 weeks and compares two different energy-restrictive diets to reduce intra-abdominal and total body fat , while potentially lowering the risks of certain chronic diseases related to obesity .
Hawai ‘ i residents have a higher rate of obesity-related diseases than residents of the continental United States . Asians , Native Hawaiians , and Pacific Islanders tend to have a higher risk of carrying excess abdominal body fat which is why they have an increased risk of diabetes , heart disease , and certain cancers compared to other ethnic groups . This study is an excellent opportunity for residents of O ‘ ahu to learn how to prevent these chronic diseases . For more information about this study , visit www . uhcancercenter . org / hdls2 or call ( 808 ) 237-3901 .
“ Participating in this study has given me back the health and physical well-being that I had a decade ago . Just a few minor changes to my eating habits and some added regular exercise and I feel like I ’ m ten years younger ! I plan to continue to stay with the plan and enjoy a happier , healthier retirement .”
ALAN SPANGENBERG Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Study II Participant