( Read more about legacies at www . uhcancercenter . org / 50years ) to our former UH Cancer Center Directors for their vision , leadership , and commitment to serve the people of Hawai ‘ i and the Pacific , as well as inspiring our researchers and staff to fulfill our mission . They guided us through our infancy , growth , challenges , and successes for the past 50 years as a cancer center and 25 continuous years as an NCI-designated cancer center . With our Directors ’ support we succeeded in establishing , growing , and strengthening our programs , expanding the reach of our Cancer Center , and achieving significant research discoveries through collaborations with researchers and community partners at home , across the nation , and the world .
( 1974-1985 )
AS THE FIRST DIRECTOR of the Cancer Research Center of Hawai ‘ i ( CRCH ), Dr . Lawrence H . Piette worked with many stakeholders to help create the CRCH through his determined efforts to persuade , promote , and educate for a sound encompassing approach in cancer research . Dr . Piette held a firm conviction that Hawai ‘ i had much to offer with its solid research foundation , diverse ethnic population , and unique opportunities to study distinctive tropical flora and fauna . He believed Hawai ‘ i had a strong place in this endeavor nationally and internationally , obtaining and maintaining NCI-designation from 1974-1985 . Piette led the effort to build
a cancer research building on the campus of The Queen ' s Medical Center , which was home to the CRCH from 1979-2012 . Today , the University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center , formerly CRCH , stands as an institution carrying on this mission .
Second 5-year Hawai ‘ i State Cancer Plan introduced to serve as a guide to achieve state ’ s vision of “ No More Cancer ”.
Hawai ‘ i Cancer Consortium ( HCC ) was established by CRCH & included The Queen ’ s Medical Center , Hawaii Pacific Health , Kuakini Medical Center , & John A . Burns School of Medicine representing a unified effort to coordinate & facilitate broad cancer research efforts benefiting all citizens of Hawaiʻi & Pacific Rim .
Ground breaking and construction of the new cancer center in Kaka ‘ ako occurred in October on the shared campus with UH John A . Burns School of Medicine .
CRCH ’ s name & logo replaced with new name of University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center and new logo