Countless researchers throughout the U . S . and the world have used data from the MEC Study , contributing many cancer discoveries throughout the years . Hawai ‘ i ’ s diverse populations are represented in the MEC , and the findings from these world-renown cancer studies are directly relevant to our state and our people . The MEC Study has focused on the role of alcohol , coffee , diet quality , meat-cooking methods , dietary supplements , body fat distribution , physical activity , reproductive factors , hormones , inflammation , diabetes , air pollution , gut microbiome , genetics , and more in determining a person ’ s risk for cancer and other diseases . Generating more than 800 scientific publications , the MEC Study findings have been used nationally to formulate guidelines for diet and nutrition , cancer screening , and cancer risk reduction .
Our epidemiology program was one of the first to focus on the role of diet in the causation of cancer , taking advantage of the variety of ethnic foods in Hawai ‘ i . Its studies on Japanese immigrants to Hawai ‘ i has provided some of the most convincing data on the changing cancer rates among different generations of immigrants and the effect of dietary changes .
The breast and colorectal cancer risks of Japanese in Hawai ‘ i have increased , but at different rates across generations : risk of colorectal cancer matched those of Whites as early as in the first generation of immigrants , whereas it took three generations for the breast cancer risk of Japanese to equal those of Whites , suggesting very different effects of diet and lifestyle on these cancers . This observation foreshadowed the current colorectal cancer rates in Japan , which are now among the highest in the world .
Obesity has overtaken viral hepatitis as the major cause of chronic liver disease and liver cancer in Hawai ‘ i ’ s populations . Despite having a lower body mass index ( BMI ), Asian Americans have a predisposition to accumulate intra-abdominal fat ( as visceral fat ), which puts them at higher risk for metabolic diseases , such as diabetes and certain cancers . Visceral fat is also an independent risk factor for breast cancer . Obesity is the only lifestyle risk factor related to prostate cancer and increases risk of aggressive prostate tumors .
The lung cancer risk of Native Hawaiians matches that of African Americans and is ~ 50 % greater than that of Whites . Genetic variants that cause a more active metabolism of nicotine ( the addictive substance in tobacco ) drive smoking rate and intensity , and result in an elevated risk of lung cancer .
2000 |
CRCH ’ s NCI designation was renewed .
Cancer Information Service ( CIS ) of Hawai ‘ i expanded its outreach services to the Pacific region .
Blue Ribbon Panel on Cancer Care in Hawai ‘ i Final Report submitted to Gov . Benjamin Cayetano on availability , quality , & access to information , resources , & services available to Hawai ‘ i ’ s cancer patients & their families ; barriers preventing easy access to information & resources ; & specific recommendations for improvement .
First 5-year Hawai ‘ i State Cancer Plan introduced to serve as a guide to the state ’ s cancer control and prevention efforts & enhance collaboration between public & private agencies to achieve state ’ s vision of “ No More Cancer ”.
U56 Comprehensive Planning Grant awarded to lay groundwork for establishment of CRCH & University of Guam ( UOG ) partnership to foster development of cancer research infrastructure at UOG .